Thursday 10 February 2011


Video outcome of project 'Manifesto.' Using reverse technology and final cut editing, it uses the concept 'everything I'm Not made me everything I am' to describe my own characteristics and beliefs.
The 2nd edit of the video uses type and copyright to play on contrasted beliefs.

(video can be found at

Visual Communication outcomes.

Paper manipulation and arrangments of single words, to accentuate their meanings and narratives.

Symbol Creation

Creation of 100 original symbols in black ink, intended to represent musical rhythms and timbres.
Also an A1 to-scale drawing of a single symbol.

Berlin collage

Sketchbook responses from my trip to Berlin, consisting of collages made from my own photography.
The last four images are screenshots from a video I created, which sees the images unfold, reflected from the centre of the screen.

(video can be accessed at

Magical Compass

Object piece, an outcome that solves the problem of my personal in-decisiveness.
Sketchbook and developing work, outcome including graphics created on illustrator.

Life Drawing

The first life drawing is carried out without looking at the paper, given 5 minutes.
The second is an observational pencil drawing, given 20 minutes.

Skin Function

This experimental project explored the themes of decay, preservatives and skin function through the forms of different vegetables.
Sketchboook documentation and ephemeral outcome shown.

Measured Drawing.

A2 Measured Drawing, shows layers of successful and unsuccessful markings.

Multi-media piece.

Multi-media piece, combination of two previous drawings.

Oblique Projection.

A1 Pencil drawing, imagined 3D visual of 'mixed media piece.'

Letter to form.

Another outcome from project 'Letter to form.' Portrays the symbol through old-fashioned style cross stitched cardboard.

Printing Outcomes.

4 printed outcomes, portraying a symbol derived from project 'letter to form.'